This manual has been split into five parts in an attempt to cover all of the material necessary to be able to use and master PyVisi, but also to provide an entry point for novices and experts alike.
Part I is a very simple introduction to PyVisi, and discusses how to use PyVisi to visualise ones data. Novice users may wish to start with Chapter 1 (Starting from scratch) to help themselves get going with PyVisi.
Part II gives user-level information about PyVisi and generic ideas behind the interface and how to use it (well, hopefully in the future anyway).
Part III gives specific information about the objects and methods available for use in PyVisi. For renderer-specific documenation see either the relevant section of this manual (to come) or the renderer module's own documentation.
Part IV gives developer-level information on what developers of renderer modules need to provide, and how they can do it.
Part V is an appendix and will cover any extra items of interest, and includes the GNU General Public License, and a bibliography.
Paul Cochrane