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NewsArrow plots possible in 3D
Paul Cochrane
After some work on some other stuff I've finally managed to add more functionality to pyvisi! This time one can do ArrowPlots in three dimensions using vtk. The povray renderer module can also be used to generate ArrowPlots, but work is still needed to get it going nicely. It is also possible to use the vtk as well as the gnuplot renderer modules to do 2D ArrowPlots. The new class is called ArrowPlot3D, but may be changed to just ArrowPlot in future, and one can let pyvisi work out which one you want to use. There have been many other changes made as well, with a little internal reorganisation of examples and a few other things, but this is the main change of interest at present.
An example code has been added to the
Ball plots now available
Paul Cochrane
It is now possible to create plots of spheres in space, i.e. BallPlots. This at present is only possible with a vtk xml data file.
An example code has been added to
Movies from sequences of images
Paul Cochrane
I've changed the internal way that objects are handled so that one
can now create sequences of images, and hence movies of functions
which change over the course of a simulation. This, however, has
made other parts of the interface slightly different, and one must
now call
Two new examples are in the
ArrowPlots available in gnuplot
Paul Cochrane
I've added a very basic implementation of 2D vector field plots for the gnuplot renderer module. Have a look at the new examples in the pyvisi cvs (soon to be in the distribution):
More plotting types added for gnuplot
renderer module
Paul Cochrane
I've now been able to add many more kinds of plotting object to the gnuplot renderer module. Now one can plot 2D contour maps of 3D data (see item from yesterday), one can plot 3D surfaces, 3D surfaces with a 2D projection of the surface contours onto the base of the axes, and 2D and 3D scatter data (good to use when the input data isn't on a grid). Extra examples have been added, namely:
Contour plotting works in gnuplot
Paul Cochrane
Since objects can now render themselves, it was possible to
implement the different rendering code necessary for contour plots
to work in gnuplot. Have a look at the file
Objects render themselves
Paul Cochrane
Objects now render themselves. Therefore, there is no longer a
reason to call the First release of pre-alpha version of pyvisi
Paul Cochrane
After much cleaning of the code with the help of pylint, and updating
READMEs and stuff, I've released the first pre-alpha version of
pyvisi. This is a very limited functionality version, but is
something for people to see how things will look, and for me to
get some kind of feedback from people to how they would like it to
look and behave. There are three examples that work at present,
these are Download: you can download pyvisi from the sourceforge.net web site by visiting pyvisi download files page Scenes can now be saved to file
Paul Cochrane
It is now possible to save the scenes that you have rendered!
Previously, scenes were displayed to the screen and that was all,
however now the The gnuplot renderer module can handle png and postscript output at present. With gnuplot 4.0 more output formats will be available. The vtk renderer module can handle png, postscript, jpeg, bmp, pnm, and tiff formats. Multiple curves on 2D plots are now possible
Paul Cochrane
Pyvisi now supports plotting multiple datasets when graphing 2D
curves. To plot more than one curve on a given
To have a look at multiple curves in action, have a look at
Simple 2D contour plotting not far away
Paul Cochrane
Implementing simple contour plotting with just the gnuplot renderer module has
shown a couple of major holes that need plugging. The main
problem at present is that gnuplot requires a call to the
One of the other major problems that will need to be seen to is
the sharing of data objects with the module actually doing the
rendering and the pyvisi code actually being run by the user.
There are many elements to work on here. Essentially, we need to
put the Simple 2D plotting works!
Paul Cochrane
Simple 2D plotting works in both vtk
*and* gnuplot!! This
certainly felt like a major achievement, as it wasn't easy to get
vtk to do 2D x-y plots. To get a feeling for what I've done check
Please note that this is very basic. At present
one can only plot one set of data, and the way the data is
transferred to the renderer module in the backend is very
simplistic and not amenable to scaling to large datasets.
Nevertheless, this example shows how pyvisi can be used in the
future. It is also only possible to pass to the plotting routines
two 1D arrays of data, one for the x-axis and one for the y-axis.
Also, there isn't any implementation yet for changing colour on
the axes, or the plot lines, however there is limited functionality
available for choosing different kinds of linestyles. I'm also
not completely happy with the syntax at the user-level of the
interface, and this has to change. Specifically, the
Note that to use the vtk renderer module, you must have vtk installed, and have configured vtk for python (so that the python vtk wrappers are available). To use the gnuplot renderer module, you must have gnuplot (version greater than or equal to 3.7) installed, and Gnuplot.py (the gnuplot python wrapper).
Even with all of these caveats, have a look at the example code,
and tell me if you like the syntax (or not), if you have any
comments or suggestions as to what I could do extra or what I
could do differently, or even if you were able to get the